Standard FilterFluorescence Filter Sets
형광시약에 폭넓게 대응이 되는 기본 형광 필터 세트
– U, G, B Excitation(자극)
– Long-Pass or Band-Pass Emission
기본 형광 필터 세트 – Best Selling Product –

JNO-U(B), JNO-B(B), JNO-G(B) – Made by JNOPTIC
39000, 39002, 39004 – Chroma Filter Model No.
기본 형광 필터 세트의 세부정보는 제품의 모델명을 클릭하시면 확인하실수 있습니다.
DAPI Filter Set : JNO-U(B)
- JNO-U(B) filter set induces the light of the UV wavelength range to the sample and leads the generated fluorescence to the observation system.
- UV excitation (Bandpass Emission)
- EX : 361~389㎚, BS : 415㎚, EM : 435~485㎚
- Chroma filter 모델 No. 로 확인 시 39000 참고
DAPI Filter Set : JNO-U(L)
- JNO-U(L) filter set induces the light of the UV wavelength range to the sample and leads the generated fluorescence to the observation system.
- UV excitation (Longpass Emission)
- EX : 361~389㎚, BS : 415㎚, EM : 435㎚
- Chroma filter 모델 No. 로 확인 시 19000 참고
FITC Filter Set : JNO-B(B)
- JNO-B(B) filter set induces the light of the Blue wavelength range to the sample and leads the generated fluorescence to the observation system.
- Blue excitation (Bandpass Emission)
- EX : 465~495㎚, BS : 505㎚ EM : 515~555㎚
- Chroma filter 모델 No. 로 확인 시 39002 참고

FITC Filter Set : JNO-B(L)
- JNO-B(L) filter set induces the light of the Blue wavelength range to the sample and leads the generated fluorescence to the observation system.
- Blue excitation (Longpass Emission)
- 465~495㎚, BS : 505㎚, EM : 515㎚
- Chroma filter 모델 No. 로 확인 시 19002 참고
TRITC Filter Set : JNO-G(B)
- JNO-G(B) filter set iduces the light of the Green wavelength range to the sample and leads the generated fluorescence to the observation system.
- Green excitation (Bandpass Emission)
- EX : 527~553㎚, BS : 565㎚, EM : 577~633㎚
- Chroma filter 모델 No. 로 확인 시 39004 참고

TRITC Filter Set : JNO-G(L)
- JNO-G(L) filter set iduces the light of the Green wavelength range to the sample and leads the generated fluorescence to the observation system.
- Green excitation (Longpass Emission)
- EX : 527~553㎚, BS : 565㎚, EM : 575㎚
- Chroma filter 모델 No. 로 확인 시 19004 참고
AlexaFluor 594 Filter Set : JNO-R1(B)
- JNO-R1(B) filter set induces the light of the certain wavelength range to the sample and leads the generated fluorescence to the observation system.
- Mirror unit for fluorescence microscopy (Bandpass Emission)
- EX : 560~580㎚, BS : 600㎚, EM : 605~665㎚
- Chroma filter 모델 No. 로 확인 시 39010 참고

Cy5 Filter Set : JNO-R2(B)
- JNO-R2(B) filter set induces the light of the certain wavelength range to the sample and leads the generated fluorescence to the observation system.
- Mirror unit for fluorescence microscopy (Bandpass Emission)
- EX : 595~645㎚, BS : 655㎚, EM : 665~715㎚
- Chroma filter 모델 No. 로 확인 시 39007 참고